How to get to Vézelay

Rejoindre Vézelay à pied

On Foot

Rejoindre Vézelay en train

By train

The closest train stations to Vézelay are Sermizelles, Avallon and Auxerre.

Itineraries to go to Vézelay by foot from the train station of:

Rejoindre Vézelay en car

By bus

For bus and shuttle schedules:

Rejoindre Vézelay en voiture

By car

Several paying parking lots are at your disposal:

See the website of the town hall:

For long-term parking, contact Camping de Vézelay for information.

Services and blessings

Office hours at the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in Vézelay :

Receive the blessing of the pilgrim in Vézelay.

For those who wish, it is possible to receive the traditional pilgrim’s blessing in the Basilica or at the Chapelle de la Cordelle. Contact us directly at the Centre Sainte-Madeleine, 26 rue saint Pierre (tel. 03 86 33 22 14) or at our office, 24 rue saint Pierre (tel. 03 86 32 38 11).